Adrianus Eversen was born in Amsterdam in 1818. He studied under Cornelis de Kruyff and became one of Holland’s most accomplished painters of the nineteenth century. Eversen was highly regarded during his lifetime and was a member of the elite association of artists known as the Arte and Amicitiae. His works were sought in Belgium. and Great Britain, as well as Holland, and his patrons included the English collector John Sheepshanks, whose collection was left to the Victoria and Albert Museum. He exhibited in Amsterdam between 1840 and 1885 and in The Hague and Leeuwarden before moving to Rotterdam in 1889.
Eversen’s charming genre scenes are reminiscent of earlier seventeenth and eighteenth century Dutch masters like Jan van der Heyden and Isaac Ouwater. The present pair is an example of the Dutch artists’ traditional interest in the four seasons. While the pair does not show the same geographic scene, it illustrates the Dutch predilection for the nuances of the seasons. In Summer, the artist concentrates on the townscape bathed in the warm, gentle light of summer. In Winter, he emphasizes the blue-grays of the winter set against the warm ochres of the buildings. Each is a detailed topographical painting depicting villages going about their daily activities. Our pair with the masterly execution of architecture, lively figures animating the depicted street scenes, and beautiful rendition of light and shadows is an exceptional example of Eversen’s sensitive observation of the life that characterizes his works.